Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Sonic-Themed, "Fall Guys," Outfit is Terrifying

I enjoy playing, "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout," and my son, Clarkson, loves watching thanks to the bright colors, fun sounds, and wild way the Fall Guys bump into each other. One big element of the game is unlockable and purchasable outfits. There is going to be a crossover with Sonic in that there'll be an outfit that...I want to say looks like him? It is actually scary, with the torso looking like a mouth and...it just ain't good. The idea of the outfit isn't to scare us, but that is just what it does. 

The whole thing looks off-kilter and out of proportion. Perhaps this is because Fall Guys have some odd physiology that makes having them look just like Sonic kind of tricky. Maybe the designers of the outfit just didn't think things through. Whatever the case, this new outfit is nightmare-fuel and I'll be sticking to keeping my Fall Guy in his outfit of a pigeon head and gym shorts.

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