Friday, January 31, 2025

Flashback Friday: "Secret Invasion," Had an Amazing Build Up, but the Event Itself Was a Letdown

Sometimes a comic-book event will be announced, have a handful of issues lead up to it, happen and make some changes, and then we get back to business as usual after a bit. That's how it is with Marvel and DC. One event that happened back in the 2000s had a clever hook, however. "Secret Invasion," came a bit after the critically divisive, "Civil War," which was the first big Marvel event I read as it came out and relatively enjoyed. The cool idea of, "Secret Invasion," was the idea was that it had, in essence, been in the works for decades. Through some continuity tweaks (sometimes referred to as a retcon) it was hinted that the seeds were planted way back during the first Kree-Skrull war event in, "Avengers," comics long ago. A ton of tie-in comics showed how the Skrulls had been infiltrating every facet of our planet--including superheroes--and planned to conquer Earth. That was a Hell of a hook but then the, "Secret Invasion," comic itself (written by Brian Michael Bendis and illustrated by Leinil Francis Yu) happened, and over eight issues led up to little more than a big brawl and the Skrull Queen getting shot by Norman Osborn with a special bullet. Yep.

The Skrulls used all their skills, knowledge, and so forth to end up just getting in fisticuffs with all the heroes and villains who teamed up to defend Earth--quite an anticlimax. While this did lead into the interesting Dark Reign era of Norman Osborn running his own team of Dark Avengers (that had some cool stories), "Secret Invasion," itself was like an epic song building up to a sonic zenith and once you hit what seems to be the big peak you get a big and wet fart sound. It is a fitting metaphor as, "Secret Invasion," shit the bed even if the fallout of, "Dark Reign," was cool. Even if the preceeding, "Civil War," wasn't the best Marvel event, it wrapped up in a wild way with Captain America surrendering to the United States after rebelling and seeming to be assassinated in the epilogue tie-ins.

"Secret Invasion," beautifully set up a big event but failed at the most important aspect--the event itself. Since then there have been better Marvel event comics ("Avengers Vs. X-Men," had its moments and I dug the 2015, "Secret Wars,") and even worse ones ("Fear Itself," "Civil War II," and, "Secret Empire," were wretched). Still, nothing seemed to squander as much potential as, "Secret Invasion," did. The Disney+ show which loosely adapted the series was universally panned too so perhaps the whole, "Secret Invasion," works better in theory than in practice.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Newest Spider-Man Villain Makes Me Think of a Video-Game from the 2000's

There was a video-game that came out back in 2007 titled, "Hellgate: London." It was an action role-playing game set in London after demons had invaded that was multiplayer. Long story short, even though it got lots of hype it bombed. Tweaks were made and it stayed around for a while, but eventually the whole shut down. The game remains a footnote in history aside from a surprise sorta-sequel being announced and getting a little press. I hadn't thought of, "Hellgate: London," in years, but today it popped into my head due to how a new Spider-Man villain was announced with the name (you guessed it) Hellgate.

Coming in the latest relaunch of Spidey, "Amazing Spider-Man," #1, this April we will witness as writer Joe Kelly introduces Hellgate along with artists Pepe Larraz and John Romita Jr. Not much has been revealed about Hellgate but apparently he will,  "...force Spider-Man to endure some of his most brutal battles ever and will significantly impact the course of Peter Parker’s life—both in and out of the suit!” That sounds incredibly vague but Joe Kelly is a great writer, Larraz is a stellar artist, and JRJR sometimes produces cool stuff, so I'm optimistic this could be a fun new run on the series.

I know Hellgate the villain and, "Hellgate: London," the game have nothing in common besides a name, but it is just funny how the older I get the more random things will trigger assorted memories. Perhaps there should be more baddies with names like mostly forgotten video-games. "Daikatana," anyone?

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

"Raised by Ghosts," is a Stellar Book About Growing Up, Finding a Place in the World, and Writing Lots of Notes!

I had the chance to acquire an advance copy of, "Raised by Ghosts," from Fantagraphics for the purpose of review. It releases to all finer bookstores and comic shops on February 4th (and the 5th for comic stores). Written and illustrated by Briana Loewinsohn, it is a semi-autobiographical account of being a teenager in the 1990s. Focused on Biana and her friends' love of writing notes, the book intersperses various thoughts jotted down by Briana with the comic segments, adding context to what we see. While the everyday Briana feels disconnected and almost alien to the World, the Briana we see within her writing is sharp, witty, and engaged. The notes are an outlet, a release, and something Briana treasures.

"Raised by Ghosts," gets its title from how Briana's parents are so removed from her life at times that they almost feel absent and a bit like otherworldly entities, only occasionally making an impact on daily life. Briana makes the most of things, however, using her love of notes and also drawing to eventually make friends and feel a bit more present in the present, despite all the challenges everyday life can bring. A lot of, "Raised by Ghosts," has a quiet and minimalist feel, until about 100 pages in where we get a fascinatingly surreal segment that offers a bit of a glimpse into Briana's psyche. The carefully constructed page borders and, "Gutters," between panels disappear into full-page splashes of lines and doodles messily strewn about before eventually being organized into Briana's many notes, drawings, and so forth--it is a masterful method of showing how she handles her many thoughts and emotions via her writing/doodling/etc.

"Raised by Ghosts," is geared towards a Young Adult audience, but anyone who grew up in the 1990s can definitely relate to it as well considering how we've all been teenagers once. Plus, those of us older folks especially recall those, "Good old/bad old," days in the past. I and many others surely have recollections of digging for records at the music store or hanging out at an all-ages space (be it a club, coffee shop, or whatever) and listening to the latest crappy local band we were convinced was bound to achieve superstardom someday. There is a mix of nostalgia and timelessness to, "Raised by Ghosts," that makes it a real treat of a read along with the fantastic art by Loewinsohn (which especially amazes in the aforementioned dreamlike section).

I'd highly recommend checking out, "Raised by Ghosts," when it hits stores in the very near future. Brianna Loewinsohn has created a superb graphic novel for readers younger or older as whether one lived through the 1990s or is a teen now in the 2020s certain things never change--for better and worse, I suppose!

5 out of 5 Stars.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Punisher is Back, but Only as a Comic Slab Label

Marvel has struggled in regard to Frank Castle, lately, to put it lightly. Better known as The Punisher, his logo has inadvertently become politically fraught. Used (without permission)by far-right groups, some police organizations, and otherwise utilized in ways that complicate a seemingly simple skull, Marvel/Disney doesn't like wading into overly political waters and has therefore had trouble with what's become a bit of a hot potato over the years. One solution was changing the skull a bit and sending Frank Castle to another dimension followed by a brand-new person becoming the Punisher. Everybody hated the new guy and his series was canceled within five issues. Frank Castle remains absent from the, "Main," Marvel Universe/616, however. All of this makes it really odd that CGC announced today a new specialty label featuring The Punisher was now available--skull and all.

When you get your comic graded by CGC and put in a slab you have the option of getting a fun little bit of comic art put at the top of the slab. It costs extra and certain art logos are only available so long. It doesn't usually impact the value of a book at all, but it can be a fun little compliment to the slab itself (e.g. you have a logo of Venom with a, "Venom," comic). CGC's latest press release discusses how this new Punisher label homages his first appearance in, "Amazing Spider-Man," #129 and perfectly compliments all your Punisher-centric books. As they put it, "Frank Castle has been dishing out his own brand of justice since 1974, and he's ready to make a killer impression on your comics. From rooftop shootouts to alleyway showdowns, this label packs as much punch as Punisher’s infamous “War Journal.” Whether you’re a fan of his relentless pursuit of criminals or just love a good skull logo, this label does Frank Castle proud." Does it do Marvel or Disney proud, considering how antsy they've been about Frank's skull lately?

I assume this was cleared by any powers that be, but it is odd that with Marvel doing its best to bury any Punisher stuff this got made. The logo will surely look snazzy on a Punisher comic regardless of any other outside context, but man, there is a lot of outside factors with that skull these days.

Television Tuesday: People Claim They're Gonna Boycott the Super Bowl Due to Kansas City. They Aren't Going to Do That, Though

If you are a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs then you probably had a good Sunday. They're heading to the Super Bowl for the third time in a row having won their last two previous appearances at the big ol' game. They'll be going up against the Philadelphia Eagles and I personally don't care about who is playing as I don't follow football. Still, I am excited Kendrick Lamar is headlining the half-time show. That said, people invested in the sport (who don't like the KC Chiefs) have made it clear over the months that they feel the sport is somehow, "Rigged," in their favor

The fact the Chiefs have won many games and there have at times been questionable calls by referees has resulted in social media being all loud and angry. The idea that other teams would go along with some kind of, "Rigging," is silly as is the idea there is some massive secret conspiracy within the NFL to ensure the Chiefs win three Super Bowls in a row. I mean, if it were a 100% sure thing then all the people taking advantage of legalized gambling better put all their money they have on KC to win this February--disclaimer--don't do that, you need to have enough money for bills. Still, the internet loves a good conspiracy theory and complaining so the idea everything is rigged for the Chiefs is appealing to most folks outside of Missouri. I guess come February 9th of this year we'll see what happens (unless you, in fact, boycott the game). Regardless of who wins, the halftime show will at least be a presumably great time.

Monday, January 27, 2025

"Starbound," Has Come to Xbox via Game Pass

Way back in 2013, I discussed how I had greatly enjoyed playing a very early beta (a pre-release test version) of a game called, "Starbound." I considered it one of my favorite titles of that year and was excited for more features to be added over time. I dabbled with, "Starbound," off and on for some months and eventually moved on, figuring I would return to it at some point in the future when it was done. I then, eventually, forgot about it as there are always more and more games to try out. However, "Starbound," has now come to the Xbox Series X/S via the Game Pass and that has me excited!

"Starbound," is complete and has had a number of patches/additions over time so that means this game is packed with features! It is fantastic that, "Starbound," now can be enjoyed on a computer and Xbox Series X/S, I look forward to trying it out on my console once I have a bit of time to dive in and try it out!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Chris Giarrusso's Making Some Fun Marvel Variant Covers

Chris Giarrusso is an extremely talented comic creator with a unique style that blends his extensive artistry with a youth-friendly minimalism. I actually have met him before, having chatted with the fellow way back at Project Comic-Con in 2012. He has his own creations such as, "G-Man," and has done many, "Mini Marvels," comics for Marvel over the years. He will now be, "...recreating iconic covers from the original run of The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe," as 15 connecting variant covers. An assortment of current series will be possible to all put together and make one massive image, which is pretty darn cool. I have the one for, 'Moon Knight," above and imagine it'll be snazzy lined-up with everything else. I look forward to when these covers by Giarrusso start releasing in April.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Vault is Shifting From Comics to Japanese Light Novels

Vault is a publisher that makes some great comics. Some time ago they did, "Hollow Heart," and they've consistently done a superb job with their, "Money Shot," mini-series. "Barbaric," has been a hit as well, and, "Lilith," has had two solid issues so far. My point is that Vault produces good stuff and I trust the publisher's judgment even if I don't understand a business move. Apparently (and this was in place before the whole Diamond bankruptcy), Vault is shifting its focus from comics to what are known as Light Novels. Kind of like Manga, these are translated from Japanese. Light Novels are shorter than a standard fiction book, coming in more at a novelette's length with the occasional manga-style artwork illustrating key moments and multiple volumes.

Light Novels are apparently very popular with young adults and can feature a wide range of genres (like your standard reads) ranging from romance, to horror, to sci-fi, and everything else. Vault is going to be publishing English translations of multiple Japanese Light Novels and will still be doing some comics, as of now (they have a new volume of, "Money Shot," that just started), but the manga and manga-related market is huge, so it makes perfect sense for Vault to do this. With all the things that are happening with Diamond impacting indie publishers, I want smaller ones to do whatever it takes to stick around--especially great publishers such as Vault!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Diamond's Bankruptcy is Quickly Having Ramifications on Smaller Publishers

Diamond Comic Distributors kicked off the New Year by declaring Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This does not mean they are going out of business at the moment but they will need to reorganize a lot of assets, get money in order, and so forth. Diamond doing this has had a lot of impact already, much of it bad. Publishers who are distributed via PRH (Marvel) or Lunar (DC and some others) aren't impacted as heavily as those who only release their comics via Diamond--they have new problems arising. While a company like Image can just drop Diamond and stick with other distributors, other companies cannot. Diamond basically won't be paying a number of publishers or their comics and smaller publishers can rely on the smallest of margins to stay profitable. American Mythology Productions is one publisher who has now publicly stated how much of a risk Diamond's bankruptcy is for their survival.

American Mythology Productions/AMP is a smaller publisher with some licensed properties and an assortment of original creations. They also are only distributed via Diamond and have a chunk of money Diamond owes them for some recently shipped books which they won't be getting any time soon (due to the bankruptcy announcement). AMP sent an email to people who bought directly from them, discussing how they face a real danger of going out of business. This is probably the first of many publishers telling the public how Diamond's bankruptcy is bad news for them. I sincerely hope that Diamond can get everything figured out as quickly as possible and that publishers who utilize Diamond can weather this storm. Every big storm leaves some damage, however, and the metaphorical winds just started blowing in this case.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Inexplicably, Today is National Pie Day

Yeah, two posts about food in a row. Anyway, today, January 23rd is National Pie Day. I learned this by watching News 4 Great Day (formerly Great Day Saint Louis) as they discussed the holiday with a local business known as Damn Fine Pies. I find it odd as March 14th AKA the day for PI, is right there. After all, many folks enjoy pie in honor of PI on that notable day. As someone who enjoys pie, I don't mind there being multiple holidays that give me an excuse to eat some (every Thanksgiving I always obliterate some pumpkin pie). I just find it quite interesting and random that today is National Pie Day. I understand there are historical reasons--a random teacher declared his birthday Pie Day and afterward the National Pie Council ran with it (that is not a joke)--but I may forget the 23rd as being a day for pie, to be honest. March 14th I'll always remember is the day for PI and pie, however.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Pizza Cupcakes Are Delicious!

I was at Target the other day because it is my favorite shopping establishment to visit besides comic-book stores. Whilst there I spotted something interesting in the freezer aisle with assorted appetizer options. Called Pizza Cupcakes, they looked like savory cupcakes, basically. The box also said they were featured on, "Shark Tank," which is a show I enjoy watching on occasion (and have bought products from as I love my Scrub Daddys). I purchased a box of Margherita Pizza Cupcakes, put them in the air fryer at home, and tried them out. What is my opinion, you may ask? They are quite good.

A Pizza Cupcake is a bit like a bigger and more doughy Bagel Bite with higher-quality cheese. I don't say that to denigrate Bagle Bites by any means, but those are the kind of food you eat when you want something easy because you're lazy and hungry--or you're drunk...and hungry. Pizza Cupcakes don't require a major amount of effort but do need an oven or air fryer. Once you've got them cooked they have a nice texture as you bite in to taste some good cheese, chewy dough, and just enough pizza sauce to feel satisfied. I was really pleased with the Pizza Cupcake and plan to purchase it again so I can enjoy some more. When you enjoy a food item enough that you want more of it, that's a winner in my book. Should you want to find some Pizza Cupcakes near your place of residence they do have a snazzy store locator as well as the option to order directly with the product shipped to you efficiently with dry ice and such to keep it cold. As a new fan of Pizza Cupcakes, I'd definitely recommend trying them out!

5 out of 5 Stars.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

This Random LEGO Video Fascinated Me For a Handful of Reasons

My wife sent me a random video she had stumbled upon where a man named Sam Builds discussed LEGOS. I found it fascinating because it involved a town I once lived in, Parkersburg (West Virginia), and touched upon the complicated technology used to make those darn blocks click together--and how its evolved over time. The man in the video admits what he covers is a bit niche, but I liked it and figured I'd share it too, because why not? Anyway, check it out at this link. Now you see how my blog isn't just rambling opinions, you learn stuff here too!

Monday, January 20, 2025

MLK Day in 2025

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. He was a man who changed the course of history in so many ways for the better. A human being who used his gifts to try and help others. A person who critics like to point out had flaws (as we all do) and a civil rights icon who tried his hardest to make a dream of equality possible. It wasn't all Dr. King, of course, with many who worked with him at times overlooked (just consider Bayard Rustin for one example) and some others who strived for civil rights at times coming into conflict with King (Malcolm X is a big name). Still, without Martin Luther King Jr. we would not have a World that felt as much impact as he thankfully made.

Today was also the inauguration day for Donald Trump, as he returned to the office of the President of the United States. There is a twisted joke to that which would make me laugh if the irony weren't so bitter it made me choke. The more we fight for King's dream the more some push back against it, I suppose. As John Lewis (another major figure in civil rights) would have put it, we're going to have to make a lot of, "Good Trouble," these next four years.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

...And TikTok is Already Back (For Now)

Well, that was an interesting total of 14 or so hours. TikTok is back online and indicates due to working out a deal with incoming President Donald Trump they'll be around for at least a bit longer and hope to stay active. Right now the app can't be downloaded on an Apple or Google device, however, so we are in murky legal waters until Trump officially takes office tomorrow and (one assumes) makes an executive order I continue to find it weird Trump is being painted as TikTok's potential knight in shining armor as he was one of the first to go after it, but this is a weird world we live in. I'm sure there will be more as this all develops.

TikTok is Offline in America, For Now

TikTok is not dead so much as it is currently in a holding pattern. It went offline last night shortly before a ban went into effect. Attempts were made to appeal to the Supreme Court and Biden's officials, but a law had passed and was upheld, so TikTok went dark. This all relates to how a Chinese company, Bytedance, owns TikTok and the United States only wants American companies like Facebook able to theoretically spy on U.S. citizens--I'm being sarcastic, but it is a bit true. I mean, out of all the things our government could be worried about and trying to fix, they go after TikTok, really?

Incoming President Donald Trump (returning to the office after Biden's one term) has indicated that he may give TikTok a reprieve so it can cut some kind of business deal that pleases the American government. It is odd Trump is being painted as TikTok's new savior as he was the one who started all this, "Let's ban TikTok," noise back when he was Prez the first time. However, TikTok is currently unavailable in America and it remains to be seen exactly what the future holds for the app.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Hot Comics Revue 21--For a Game About Rivals, They All Teamed Up to Make Bank!

Marvel Rivals has become a huge hit with lots of video-game aficionados being big fans. It resulted in comics with characters who are featured in the game that were originally only vaguely popular (Jeff the Land Shark, Peni Paker, etc.) experiencing a massive increase in attention. One interesting thing is that Marvel solicited variant covers themed for, "Marvel Rivals," before the game was released. They weren't ordered that heavily as for all people knew the game could've bombed. Now, however, those variant covers are immensely popular and selling like the hottest of hotcakes. 

With these, "Marvel Rivals," covers so far there are four options by Netease. There is a Spider-Man variant for, "Amazing Spider-Man," #65, a Venom variant with, "All-New Venom," #2, a Magik variant featured with, "Magik," #1, and Storm gets the spotlight on, "Storm #4. The covers star the characters in the form they appear as within, "Marvel Rivals," and are getting to be quite sought after. An upcoming variant for, "Fantastic Four," #28 will also feature the earlier-discussed Jeff and Galactus' daughter (a deep-cut reference for sure), Galacta with some snazzy Peach Momoko artwork.

The, "Marvel Rivals," covers that have been released so far have a cover price of $4 but are selling for at least $25 each, sometimes a chunk more. This is fascinating to see comics based on a game based on comics getting so much hype. Will these variants cool down a bunch of stay relatively hot? I guess a lot of that depends on if, "Marvel Rivals," can maintain its popularity. For now, however, these variants are a hit.

Friday, January 17, 2025

"Ultimate Wolverine," #1 Gives us a Mystery Wrapped in Brutality

"Ultimate Wolverine," is the latest of the (thankfully slowly) growing Ultimate line of comics. Marvel's latest venture into a new Ultimate Universe has actually been fantastic, with each issue moving time ahead one month--a feat that is still somehow working--and telling interesting stories around this World that The Maker altered in countless twisted ways. The Ultimate iteration of Wolverine has some hints dropped about who he is/was, but much of the comic centers on the heads of Eurasia (Colususs, Magik, and so forth) using their, "Winter Soldier," as he is dubbed (no relation to Bucky) to enforce their mutant rule in the region they control. 

The mutant weapon we witness was once called Logan, we learn, and part of the opposition to this tyrannical government, but a lot is left unclear. It also appears Wolverine won't be waking up anytime too soon as the first mission has him murdering his old friends (Mystique and Nightcrawler) in a shockingly detailed manner. I cannot compliment artist Alessandro Cappuccio enough, having become a huge fan of the artist during his time on, "Moon Knight," comics. They do an amazing job with, "Ultimate Wolverine." This isn't to ignore how writer Chris Condon is setting up a whole lot of interesting plot beats in this debut issue, I just can't stop admiring how simultaneously gorgeous and grotesque Cappuccio's work is. I'm loving almost every Ultimate Universe book currently ("Ultimate X-Men," is alright but drags horribly), and this latest title is a fantastic new entry into this line.

5 out of 5 Stars.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Could Tariffs Raise the Price of a Comic Even Higher in 2025?

Comic books aren't cheap. Back when I was but an infant they were maybe a dollar and some change. Then the time came they were all two dollars. Before long every comic was three dollars and it stayed that way for a good while. In the 2000's the price crept up to $4 off and on before it seemed to become almost the standard. We sometimes see $5 or even $6 with special variant covers or extra-big issues, but comic fans seem to balk at too high a price without a reason (extra-big issue, ratio variant, or so forth). With Trump returning to office against all odds an discussing tariffs, however, could that impact comic-books and result in comic companies having to take drastic action to stay profitable? The answer is not an optimistic one.

Gina Gagliano over at The Comics Journal has a nice meaty article that digs down into what tariffs could mean for comic-books due to how so many are printed outside of the United States. Price increases, shifting more to e-books, shorter comics, and a focus on black-and-white books, are all possible reactions to how printing a comic could cost multiple times more if tariffs are enacted. Major publishers will be hurt but the indie folks will really feel the sting. As always, the little guy/gal gets hurt the most by policies that a huckster politician advertises as benefiting everyone (even though only a handful of rich folks see any net positive). 2025 could suck for comics, among many other products. Some of you voted for Trump claiming he'd make eggs cheaper. Too bad almost everything else is going to cost five to ten times more and no economists (of good repute) think these tariff proposals are wise. I am not looking forward to Trump 2.0, I'll tell you that much.

Nintendo Has Announced the Switch 2

After various leaks, Nintendo has decided to officially announce the Switch 2. It looks like a bigger, more powerful Switch, basically. This is not a bad thing as the Switch is a fun console! I infamously did not, "Get it," until I tried out a Switch and then was a fan--especially of the relatively compact Switch Lite. The specs we do have indicate this Switch 2 will be a pretty powerful device (even if not at the level of a PS5 or such). It's due for release at some point in 2025 so it'll be available in time for ya'll to ask Santa or Harry the Hannukkah Goblin (a character I created and own the copyright to) for one this year. Between this, how GTA VI is supposed to launch in 2025 (we will see if that'll hit the Switch 2, however), and the ongoing rumors of, "Half-Life 3," actually being in a playable state with an announcement due sooner than later it appears 2025 is shaping up to be a big year for gaming.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Diamond Comic Distributors Has Declared Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Diamond Comic Distributors had been having a bad go of things lately from losing publishers to competitors and warehouse delays, but I didn't realize it was this dreary. Yes, Diamond just declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This is not Chapter 13, which is where you're totally out of business and shut down. This is the kind intended to help an organization reorganize and recover, but it is still clearly bad.

People are worried. The folk Diamond owes money to are concerned, smaller publishers who distribute their comics exclusively via Diamond as opposed to PRH or Lunar are upset and this is going to be incredibly messy before it gets better. Everyone always liked to grumble about Diamond--with good reason--but if they suddenly exit the distribution market (and it isn't just comics as they handle a lot of toys and such too) it leaves a major crater that drastically impacts many publishers, comic stores, and so forth. This is bad, and anyone cheering for the possible downfall of Diamond (as some are doing) is immensely short-sighted. Regardless of Diamond's many faults, it is an important player in the comic business. Hopefully, assets can be sold/acquired in a manner that will help keep everything humming along with little to no disruption. At least, not much more than there already has been at Diamond.

Television Tuesday: "Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action," Paints a Fascinating but Incomplete Picture

I watched the two-part documentary, "Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action," as I've written before about my fascination with the surreal and twisted program that was, "The Jerry Springer Show." The docuseries does a solid job showing how the program went from a boring talk show to the edgy tabloid-style program we all remember. It also focuses a lot on the producers who worked on the show under Springer and the main producer of the show who pushed it to get edgy, Richard Dominick. This documentary does a fantastic job digging into Richard's reasonings and psyche (he is extensively interviewed) and paints him as a programming provocateur. Dominick was a man willing to do whatever it took for good ratings. The fact that a love triangle that aired on the show may have contributed to a murder is extensively covered as well, with those involved in the show sharing mixed feelings about how responsible the program was or wasn't in the tragic events. It's a great documentary series. My only big issue with this two-part documentary, however, is that Springer himself remains a bit of an enigma.

Jerry Springer died in 2023. He can't be interviewed for this documentary. There is old footage of him talking about the show and a mix of recollections from those who worked with him--most fond--but what exactly motivated Springer to, "Go along for the ride," with Dominick is left a bit distressingly unanswered. Springer felt the show was beneath everyone involved, but he kept at it. His quick wit and humor almost gave, "The Jerry Springer Show," an air of respectability it obviously didn't have--but hey, Jerry was laughing with us and making fun of it too! Springer's exact motivations beyond enjoying the attention and ratings seem unclear, so we're left with a bit of a shrug and half-guesses at why the titular personality behind, "The Jerry Springer Show," really let it become, "The Jerry Springer Show," that caused so much public commotion. This is not a slight at, "Fights, Camera, Action," as they can't dig up Springer and interview him now--although such a visual would be wild enough for one of the edgier pay-per-view episodes without a doubt. For a man who spent so much time in the public eye a lot of Springer seemed to remain shockingly private, this documentary doesn't change that, but it does paint a fascinating portrait of Springer's show from its rise to sort-of fall and eventual end.

5 out of 5 Stars.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Neil Gaiman is Facing Multiple New Allegations of Sexual Assualt

There had been some scattered reports about Neil Gaiman that painted him in a questionable light, but nothing seemed to, "Stick," or get a ton of attention. Now, "New York Magazine," has a cover story titled, "There is no Safe Word," that paints a horrific and terrifying picture of Gaiman. It's behind a paywall on their Vulture site, NY Mag's online entity. However, other sites summarize a lot of awful, abusive, and horrendously inappropriate behavior. The magazine interviewed eight women (four had talked about Gaimain before and four had new revelations), and the specifics are disturbing and detailed to a degree I'd rather not go in-depth about on my own site. It's saddening and become a bit of a trend at this point where a famous creator of comics (Gaiman has made a lot of stuff including comics) has allegations surface.

Some comic-makers who faced allegations later recovered their career to a degree while also pointing out their behavior wasn't as bad as initially claimed (Brandon Graham). Some admitted a bit of fault and then wanted to move on as if nothing happened (Warren Ellis). One creator sadly took their own life when questionable actions were made public (Ed Piskor). I'm not going to rank everyone's actions as we all would consider the choices people made differently as minor missteps versus a pattern of bad behavior. That said, the things being claimed about Gaiman sound monstrous if true. I've learned from past events to not jump to any conclusions either way, but regardless of what's true or false, it is all just incredibly saddening to think someone with such great abilities could also even be accused of numerous awful actions. I don't like to think those with immense talent could also possibly be monumental monsters, but here we are, mentally drained at the idea of yet another literary hero engaging in villainous behavior. It's all quite upsetting.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Inaugural ToyMan of 2025 Was Great Fun!

I missed the last ToyMan show due to a bunch of obligations, but I was able to attend today's event; I had a fantastic time! Certain vendors were unable to be there for an assortment of reasons, some involving that recent snowstorm that we're still feeling an impact from. However, there were still plenty of vendors selling awesome wares. As usual, there was everything from vintage toys, to paper ephemera, Funko, die-cast cars, movies, video-games, Lego, newer toys, Pokemon cards, and more! I kicked off the show by saying hello to John Chaffee of Bigfoot Comics. He was doing well and I picked up a fun helicopter toy from him that Gibson is sure to love (he enjoys stuff with wheels/propellers/etc. Observe:

I proceeded to chat with my friend Tim Metzger about how he was doing and saw Dustin and Tammy--they had a ton of cool retro games! Tatertot Comics and Collectibles had some fun items as well and in the upstairs section I enjoyed chatting with my good friends, authors Jessica Mathews and Lindsay Hornsby--they had all their incredibly fun books and goodies! Jack Thomas of Fortress Comics brought a metric ton of books and I picked up two for a stellar price. Here is a picture:

I had an immense amount of fun at today's ToyMan show! I won't be able to make the next one on March 9th as it happens shortly after a preventative medical procedure one of our kiddos has scheduled. I'll definitely remind everyone as it approaches to attend, however!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Mini-Run Review: "Absolute Superman," #1-#3 is a Stellar Read

The new, "Absolute," DC books have been a wonderful treat, surprising me and many others with how darn good they are. "Absolute Batman," has been getting a ton of attention, and, "Absolute Wonder Woman," is incredibly solid, but I've been quite surprised with how much I've enjoyed the tweaks made to the O.G. hero in, "Absolute Superman." I've discussed before how I sometimes struggle to enjoy Superman stories although I've had my friend Biran recommend some quality tales to me. "Absolute Superman," gives us a Superman who is familiar yet lived a different enough life that it is an injection of fresh ideas, however.

The, "Absolute Superman," actually spent years alive on his home planet and has memories of being a child and teen on Krypton. While there his parents noticed the danger the planet faced and were ignored by an elite upper-class. This has resulted in Superman having a big distrust of authority and a motivation to help those who struggle. It's a, "I'm here for the little guy/gal," style of Superman that carries a bit of an edge. Writer of the comic, Jason Aaron, is a creator I can run incredibly hot and cold on, but he's on fire here. It helps that the artist Rafa Sandoval is firing on all cylinders too, with his illustrations of Krypton in the comic's flashbacks giving us a planet both beautiful and eerily surreal.

"Absolute Batman," gets the hype (and is fantastic for sure), but, "Absolute Superman," has been plugging away at giving us quite an impressive story as well. I'm just hopefuly the latest announced, "Abolute," series with Green Lantern, the Flash, and Martian Manhunter," will be as exciting as this first initial batch of titles we've enjoyed!

5 out of 5 stars (for issues #1-#3).

Friday, January 10, 2025

QuikTrip Is Adding Coffee Bars to Various Locations

Various QuikTrip locations have been adding these cool new coffee bars--including a QT by my house! Featuring assorted hot coffees as well as cold brew and, "Nitro," cold options, they are quite neat to see. This article discusses the exact setup and rotating assortment of flavors. As I am a huge fan of coffee this, clearly, excites me! I really enjoyed the cold brew I got yesterday when I noticed the coffee bar and I plan to try more options on future visits to any QT with this as a selection.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Mattel and Tokyopop Have Teamed Up

Well-known maker of toys, Mattel, and the popular manga publisher known as Tokyopop announced a new partnership today. It will include manga comics featuring Hot Wheels and Barbie. These will be marketed to those 8-12 years old and this honestly makes a lot of sense. Considering how popular manga is with kiddos it seems like a clever way to get them into toys, or, have the kids who already like the toys go and read some manga. Barbie and Hot Wheels both are big money and Tokyopop is a huge part of the manga-in-Western regions market. This is probably a win-win for everyone and as long as the manga is actually good/fun/etc., I could see these new books doing quite well.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Everyone is Still Working at Getting Dug Out of the Snow

I blogged about the massive snowstorm that was potentially approaching last Saturday. I wondered if it would turn out to be a simple dusting or an absolute mess. Well, the storm moved on after Monday but left a whole lot more snow and ice than anyone was prepared for. Winter Break was supposed to be over but almost all the public schools in the region have been off for three days and it looks like they will attempt remote learning tomorrow (and most likely Friday), basically giving up on getting kiddos in classrooms the rest of the week due to just how much snow fell. Part of the issue was how we got snow, ice, and then more snow that resulted in a metaphorical sandwich that was a pain to plow or shift. Plus, it is frigid outside so nothing is melting. We're dealing with the worst snowstorm in a decade or so, in other words. 

Everyone is trying to get dug out of this mess and a chunk of roads do look better. That said, a lot of places still seem buried in snow, awaiting the white stuff to be cleared. At least I saw plenty of kids out and about having fun sledding on hills when I managed to go for a brief drive to get Clarkson some McDonald's fries (he was asking for fries and pizza constantly on his talker throughout the storm). I already said this before, but one reason I left the Northeast was to get away from snow. When we get pummeled like this it is a bit like a nasty trip down memory lane. I just hope it doesn't take forever for this all to get cleared and start melting!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Television Tuesday: Nelly and Ashanti to Have a Reality Show/"Docuseries," on Peacock

I enjoy the streaming service Peacock, having said it was underrated in the past. It has lots of fun shows and will be adding a new, "Docuseries," about Nelly and Ashanti. I assume that's a fancy term for the reality show, but I'll tune in regardless. I am a fan of Nelly and Ashanti's music plus Nelly is from Saint Louis and spends a good deal of time here. It will be fun if various landmarks I recognize pop up on the show! The program is not yet named but is currently being filmed, so I'd imagine it debuts later in 2025 or early 2026. Whether it focuses more on their careers, new baby, or whatever else shall be revealed in due time. I look forward to learning more!

Monday, January 6, 2025

Music Mondays: "Rapper's Delight," and the Billboard Chart 45 Years Later

Today is January 6th, but yesterday was (obviously) January 5th. On January 5th 45 years ago, "Rapper's Delight," was the first hip-hop song to chart on the Billboard Top 40, a momentous piece of history. This article by Sha Be Allah on The Source tells the whole story wonderfully, but makes sure to emphasize how, "Rapper's Delight," didn't invent hip-hip or anything (a misstatement sometimes seen online or such). What it did was serve as a, "Catalyst," to help hip-hop really break into the mainstream (even if it only charted at high as #36) and give rap a bit more of a cultural, "Legitimacy/appeal." The song, "Rapper's Delight," broke a lot of ground, to put it simply. It also is quite long in its versions that aren't edited down in length for radio--about 15 minutes of fun rhymes. Give it a listen below if you've got some time:

That's some good fun.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

I'll Always Have a Love for Pinball Machines

Pinball machines have had a long and storied history. From originally being banned as gambling devices, to the hottest thing in arcades, to fading somewhat from popularity due to the rise of video-games and then having a bit of a retro revival. Pinball has managed to hang on with some new (quite fancy) machines still being made at points. That said, many of the new machines are sold directly to homes now as opposed to bars/arcades (although establishments with vintage games exist and attract GenX folks and Millenials such as myself).

Now, I don't have 7 grand to drop on a new, "Dungeons and Dragons," pinball machine, but I can always appreciate the craft of the devices whether they're decades old and full of gears or the newer 
LCD-featuring games. I have fond memories of playing pinball at the bowling alley as a youth, the skating rink, and basically anywhere there had a machine and I could convince my folks to give me some quarters. Now, I was never that good at pinball, and besides a rare occasion where I inexplicably got a multi-ball or something else cool aside, I didn't manage to make the most of my 3 balls before I was begging for some more change. Lack of ability to actually play pinball aside, I love the concept of the game itself and the machines that house so many ways to play a seemingly simple concept. I'd encourage anyone who can play some pinball next time they see a machine anywhere to do so. Just be careful when you're playing that you don't bump the machine too hard and cause a, "Tilt." That always stinks.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

The First Big Snowstorm of 2025 Approaches

I'm not a fan of snow. I used to live in Upstate New York and don't miss the snow, at all. Hence, on the occasions when Missouri gets snow, I sigh loudly and look forward to it hopefully not being heavy and/or melting away quickly. Then, those rare massive snowstorms hit and I get flashbacks to the snow-heavy apocalypses of my youth. We've got a (potentially) massive snowstorm approaching and depending who you ask this is all being blown out of proportion and will be a dusting...or we're going to get at least as dozen inches of powder.

I sincerely hope we don't get pounded with too much snow and ice. I'm okay with if enough frozen precipitation occurs for a single snow day, but please no multi-day disaster. We shall see what the end result is this Monday morning.

Friday, January 3, 2025

My Review of Taco Bell Chicken Nuggets

Taco Bell loves to release random items on the unsuspecting populace. Sometimes they become major hits and stay around semi-permanently (nacho fries). Other times they come and go (Mexican pizza). The latest release is a box of chicken nuggets. Yes, Taco Bell has entered the nugget game. After being tested in various locations they are available nationwide with various dipping sauces. Are they decent, however?

Taco Bell chicken nuggets are pretty good, if not amazing. You can buy them as a five or ten-piece box. The nuggets don't seem to have a uniform size with some being oddly large and others kind of small. The taste is pleasant, like your usual nugget but with a bit of a spicy kick--albeit not too much spice. Paired with some ranch or nacho cheese sauce the Taco Bell nuggets are a pleasant option even if they aren't the best temporary item ever (that would have to be the rolled chicken tacos). While they're around I'll eat them but I won't be too distraught when they're gone and replaced with some other promotional choice.

3.5 out of 5 Stars.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Kicking Off January With News and Links

 Let's start off the month of January with various pieces of news and links you all might find interesting.

Jimmy Carter passed on December 29th of 2024 at the age of 100. He was our oldest living President. While Carter's presidency is generally thought of as having been a mess, his accomplishments post-presidency were incredible--Habitat for Humanity and his work with it being one major example. He will be missed.

car intentionally drove through a crowd in New Orleans celebrating the New Year. The suspect later died in a shootout with the police. It saddens me to think I get scared at the thought of going to big public events because in America I always worry about some kind of attack being possible. Also alarming is that on January 1st a Cybertruck exploded in Las Vegas and it appears to have been intentional as well.

I know it feels like this comes up every year--as I discussed last year--but "Half-Life 3," is allegedly far enough along to be playtested. If that's true it is more than just conceptual vaporware--that would be exciting.

Jolt Cola is coming back, but this time, it will be advertised more as an energy drink than a soda. When I was younger, I enjoyed a Jolt Cola now and then, even if it wasn't my favorite cola (Coke and now Coke Zero would claim that title). Still, it shows that almost no brand ever stays dead for long—well, except Mr. Green.

I love the reality show, "The Traitors," and the 3rd season of the U.S. version is due to premiere on Peacock on January 9th. An extended sneak peek has dropped with with the first seven minutes available to stream for free. It looks like it's going to be a murderously good time!

Lastly, I listed my favorite comics of the year already but some other sites are getting their posts up now too. Comicsbeat and The Comics Journal both have nice chunky lists I enjoyed examining to see what I agreed with and what had me baffled--that's part of the fun with these kinds of things!