Diamond Comic Distributors kicked off the New Year by declaring Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This does not mean they are going out of business at the moment but they will need to reorganize a lot of assets, get money in order, and so forth. Diamond doing this has had a lot of impact already, much of it bad. Publishers who are distributed via PRH (Marvel) or Lunar (DC and some others) aren't impacted as heavily as those who only release their comics via Diamond--they have new problems arising. While a company like Image can just drop Diamond and stick with other distributors, other companies cannot. Diamond basically won't be paying a number of publishers or their comics and smaller publishers can rely on the smallest of margins to stay profitable. American Mythology Productions is one publisher who has now publicly stated how much of a risk Diamond's bankruptcy is for their survival.
American Mythology Productions/AMP is a smaller publisher with some licensed properties and an assortment of original creations. They also are only distributed via Diamond and have a chunk of money Diamond owes them for some recently shipped books which they won't be getting any time soon (due to the bankruptcy announcement). AMP sent an email to people who bought directly from them, discussing how they face a real danger of going out of business. This is probably the first of many publishers telling the public how Diamond's bankruptcy is bad news for them. I sincerely hope that Diamond can get everything figured out as quickly as possible and that publishers who utilize Diamond can weather this storm. Every big storm leaves some damage, however, and the metaphorical winds just started blowing in this case.
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