Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Pizza Cupcakes Are Delicious!

I was at Target the other day because it is my favorite shopping establishment to visit besides comic-book stores. Whilst there I spotted something interesting in the freezer aisle with assorted appetizer options. Called Pizza Cupcakes, they looked like savory cupcakes, basically. The box also said they were featured on, "Shark Tank," which is a show I enjoy watching on occasion (and have bought products from as I love my Scrub Daddys). I purchased a box of Margherita Pizza Cupcakes, put them in the air fryer at home, and tried them out. What is my opinion, you may ask? They are quite good.

A Pizza Cupcake is a bit like a bigger and more doughy Bagel Bite with higher-quality cheese. I don't say that to denigrate Bagle Bites by any means, but those are the kind of food you eat when you want something easy because you're lazy and hungry--or you're drunk...and hungry. Pizza Cupcakes don't require a major amount of effort but do need an oven or air fryer. Once you've got them cooked they have a nice texture as you bite in to taste some good cheese, chewy dough, and just enough pizza sauce to feel satisfied. I was really pleased with the Pizza Cupcake and plan to purchase it again so I can enjoy some more. When you enjoy a food item enough that you want more of it, that's a winner in my book. Should you want to find some Pizza Cupcakes near your place of residence they do have a snazzy store locator as well as the option to order directly with the product shipped to you efficiently with dry ice and such to keep it cold. As a new fan of Pizza Cupcakes, I'd definitely recommend trying them out!

5 out of 5 Stars.

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