In case you wondered why I hadn't posted anything for a bit...
Wow, it has already been more than a week since my last post, and I don't have too many excuses (at least not good ones) for why it has taken me so long to post something. A bit of the blame partly falls onto how I'm still working my way through various items I got at Project Comic-Con so that I can review some of the comics (I'll get some reviews up sooner than later, I promise). Most of the fault however for my neglecting the blog, and by proxy you, my dear reader/s, falls upon a simple source, the game Grand Theft Auto V. Yes, when not working at whatever jobs or tasks life demands of me I have been playing GTA V, and having quite the ball. So yes, in case you wondered why I hadn't posted anything for a bit, you have GTA V to thank/blame for that.
The thing is, while playing GTA V and reading various articles about it, some things started to bug me just as they were bugging other people. The main things were the way female characters were treated in the game, and the overall defense of the game being satire so its okay. I decided I would delve into these feelings in a probably-too-long post that may or may not prove interesting to anyone reading.
Money-making machine...
Grand Theft Auto V has been out for a little bit and I suppose at least some people have played it considering it has made 1 billion dollars in sales. Clearly, the game is a money-making machine and you don't really need me to review the game--you either are going to buy it at some point, have bought it, or don't care for the type of game it is (or just don't play games at all) and will be "sitting out" owning it. I'll preface everything else I'm going to say with the fact that GTA V is a good game, a really good game--there is no question. The world you live in feels so developed and organic it is a little creepy how you can spend a minute just staring at the amazing architecture that makes up the game, from its pedestrian characters, to buildings, music, etc. The game has been getting a fair amount of critical press however, and for things beyond the usual, "This game is too violent/games are evil." Yes, GTA V is causing a bit of a stir due to a question that sounds simple but is in fact extremely complicated. That question would be: Is it misogynist?
The worst aspects of masculinity put into a blender...
The three main characters of Grand Theft Auto V are all male, and flawed in different ways--some of them more than others. The game's developer, Rockstar, has said this is because the game is about reflecting masculinity(and clearly from the way the game plays out its downfalls). Do the characters reflect this concept however? I suppose to a point they do.
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Trevor is one of the worst people you'll meet or play as. |
Women shown as little more than overly-emotional liars...
Grand Theft Auto V lacks any significant female character from what I've seen so far playing it and from reading about the game. At least, it lacks any significant female character who isn't portrayed in a negative light as either sexually promiscuous, or a raging bitch. The only character in the game with two X chromosomes that I have encountered (hours into the game) who isn't shown as horrible spoke maybe 3 lines to me. She was a member of my gang when we pulled off a jewelry heist and served as the hacker. The lines were telling us how long we had before the alarm went off, offering to help shoot the police pursuing us, and saying at the end of the job how she felt it went well. Other than her, everyone was a prostitute, drug addict, cheating wife, spoiled daughter, mean and over-sexed aunt, or some other stereotype of women that makes them look like little more than overly-emotional liars. Men may be shown as pretty bad people in GTA V, but at least some of them are a little bit more good than bad, and no woman seems to get the same slight redemption in GTA V, any female is just a horrible shrew.
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One of the main character's daughters. She is portrayed as highly unpleasant. |
Satire can be silly, but just because you're silly that doesn't mean you're satire...
If I may quote an article, "Satire doesn't go far enough to cover lazy writing and thinking." This basically means that yes, Grand Theft Auto V skewers society, but is it really satire, especially where the female characters are concerned? GTA V has many funny moments of parody, and it did make me laugh, but I would agree it is really just attacking everything it can think of, and most of those thoughts seem to be easy targets (e.g. celebrities are fake, America is obsessed with reality television). Also, wouldn't most agree it isn't really satire to just show all women as terrible people without having some sort of point to your portrayal? Satire often has a sharp, biting edge, and GTA V may make me giggle with its "Republican Space Rangers", but if we're honest the game really is just taking easy pot-shots at culture. Having a social network called "Life Invader" is about as edgy as a comedian with a day-time talk show making the same observation about how social networking sites such as Facebook, *GASP*, invade our privacy!
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Making fun of social media and how it invades privacy, that's...edgy? |
It is kind of odd to think that Grand Theft Auto V isn't that satirical, because it definitely does have a dark edge, its just that edge tends to be lacking in humor and instead be overloaded with cynicism and anger. Its a bit of a shame, as the game definitely has opportunities to make truly ballsy comments on society, and even comes close a few times. Some would argue, for example, that a scene which occurs in the game and involves torture actually does qualify as satire, with its mix of barbarism and a hint of dark comedy (or at least the scene is making a statement), however a few moments here and there of insight in a game that can last more than 100 hours does not a piece of satire make.
At least a lot of fun was had...
Grand Theft Auto V is a game with an amazing world. The city of Los Santos, the countryside of Blaine County, and the way it feels like the player is in a living, breathing world is just incredible. There are also plenty of humorous elements in GTA V, and lots of stuff to do that is a blast, from parachuting and off-road racing to more illicit activities such as robbing armored trucks or the game's titular activity of stealing cars.
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GTA V has a beautiful world, even if the people populating it are atrocious. |
Maybe if they try to be deeper and make even more money, such as two billion in sales, that'll illustrate we as video-gamers are ready for something more intricate and deep from Rockstar, such as their other recent and arguably more plot-driven games Red Dead Redemption or Max Payne 3. I want a game that makes me think while I'm having fun, not one where one of the smarter jokes is how the stock market is called the BAWSAQ. Although, that is pretty funny even if it is horribly juvenile.