There was a video-game that came out back in 2007 titled, "Hellgate: London." It was an action role-playing game set in London after demons had invaded that was multiplayer. Long story short, even though it got lots of hype it bombed. Tweaks were made and it stayed around for a while, but eventually the whole shut down. The game remains a footnote in history aside from a surprise sorta-sequel being announced and getting a little press. I hadn't thought of, "Hellgate: London," in years, but today it popped into my head due to how a new Spider-Man villain was announced with the name (you guessed it) Hellgate.
Coming in the latest relaunch of Spidey, "Amazing Spider-Man," #1, this April we will witness as writer Joe Kelly introduces Hellgate along with artists Pepe Larraz and John Romita Jr. Not much has been revealed about Hellgate but apparently he will, "...force Spider-Man to endure some of his most brutal battles ever and will significantly impact the course of Peter Parker’s life—both in and out of the suit!” That sounds incredibly vague but Joe Kelly is a great writer, Larraz is a stellar artist, and JRJR sometimes produces cool stuff, so I'm optimistic this could be a fun new run on the series.
I know Hellgate the villain and, "Hellgate: London," the game have nothing in common besides a name, but it is just funny how the older I get the more random things will trigger assorted memories. Perhaps there should be more baddies with names like mostly forgotten video-games. "Daikatana," anyone?
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