Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

All Packed And Ready To Go.

Everything is packed and I leave for St. Louis tomorrow. You may wonder how I posting then? I'm using someone else's computer. Anyways, the blog should resume a more normal schedule a number of days later with the comic reviews and whatnot, but probably won't be updated as much due to graduate school taking up time and money to a point where I'm getting less comics. There are all those new DC books though, that should make for a fun new read in a new place.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm Nightmarish-Level Busy.

As I've said on the blog, I'm moving to St. Louis for Graduate School so the process of packing and putting my life in order for the move has caused me to be very busy--i.e. to a level where I haven't really been able to update the blog much. I hope to get a review or  two up soon and have a podcast posted Tuesday maybe before an extended podcast break for my moving.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Flashback Friday--Rollercoaster Tycoon Deluxe

Rollercoaster Tycoon Deluxe
Let's switch things up for Flashback Friday and look at an old game instead of an old comic book. What game is deserving of this change in trends? The amazing Rollercoaster Tycoon along with its two expansions to make the deluxe version.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

That Creepy Smile Made It All Work--Punisher #1

The Punisher #1
Since having been made into one of the weirdest comics ever by Rick Remender (I liked Franken-Castle, but everyone seems to have hated it) and then having all of Remender's plots wrapped up in a mini-series, Greg Rucka starts The Punisher series anew with a whole different style. This a Punisher we barely ever see as more than a dark blur of vengeance, who we don't hear the thoughts of, we just see his actions. This is a Punisher that is quite frankly one dark, serious comic that I thought I was only somewhat enjoying until that one scene that sold me on the issue, that single little panel...that eerie smile.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Article and Interview Round-Up

Because I love you, I present articles and interviews I found interesting enough to share here:

That's what grabbed my eye in terms of being interesting.

Monday, August 8, 2011

2 Nice Comic Creators Who Create Stuff I Don't Like and 2 Possibly Horrible People Who Make Good Comics

In the world of comics there are creators who make stuff I really don't like, but as individuals they are apparently the nicest folk around. Then there are creators who make good stuff but as human beings are people I would consider to be quite wretched. There are of course people who fit both of these attributes, but I thought for fun we could look at the 4 creators who weirdly are split into the, "Great Person, Don't Like Their Stuff," or, "Possibly Terrible Person, Makes Great Comics," categories.

This Is The Newest Rant--A Brick Of A Magazine Would Be The Comic Journal #301

This Is The Newest Rant. I bought the newest issue of The Comics Journal, #301. It's more than 600 pages and cost 30 bucks. Looking at this it is no wonder it took more than a year to put out a new issue after the 300th. I haven't yet cracked into it, and even when I do it will take forever to read, but the sheer size and scope of it is impressive. 200+ pages just of essays discussing Robert Crumb's Genesis, an article about Dave Sim and Cerberus, a piece about racism in comics, and of course a ton more. Should be quite the read.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rant Reviews--Failing At Seducing You By Cape Comics

Girl, I'm going to seduce you. I'll kick things off with a review of the good Flashpoint #4 before discussing the even better Flashpoint: Batman, Knight of Vengeance #3. Then I'll get your engine really humming with my thoughts on Marvel Universe VS Wolverine #2. Then we're gonna drink a bit, with my man Tony Stark. That's right, we've got a drunk Iron Man in Invincible Iron Man #506. What else have I got planned? Well I know you like a little bit of pain, so I brought Batman: The Dark Knight #4, which is so bad it hurts, but I know you like that, girl. Don't worry though, I'll make you feel real good with Detective Comics #880, the penultimate issue of the series before the big upcoming relaunch, yeah, its the issue right before the climax. Let's get started, girl, because I know the anticipation is driving you crazy.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Newest Rant Official "Moving To St Louis" Playlist/Mix CD

So, I"ll be moving to St Louis, and I need jams for when I'm packing, driving, and unpacking. I have created the ultimate CD of songs I've been newly listening to, and songs I've listened to forever. Let's check it out!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Film Friday--Cowboys and Aliens

Cowboys and Aliens
The movie based on a comic that was created from a movie pitch about Cowboys fighting Aliens, and its completely deadpan despite the silly-sounding title. I actually did enjoy the movie.

The Redesign Is Done (For Now)!

For those who have been visitors to my blog/site before you clearly see the design has shifted a bit. It took awhile and resulted in less posts (well, that and my being busy with life) but its done. It's a bit less cluttered with images and the colors have changed. That, and the background has gone from the blogger stock-image of books to a comic-collage image. I think this is a good step in the development of the site, but what do YOU think, my readers? Do you like this new design? Hate it? Have any suggestions on how to make it even better? Share them in the comments, I'm all ears for how to make stuff better.

Wait, A Daredevil Comic was Fun and Peppy? AKA Daredevil #1 (2011)

Daredevil #1
We have a new Daredevil comic, and after the series just got darker and darker to the point where Matthew Murdock went insane and became a villain we now open up with a happy-go-lucky guy? What? Ol' Matt Murdock also is being positive and happy too? Okay, I'll roll with it...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What I Did Today And a Review Of A Bad Green Lantern "Aftermath" Comic

War Of The Green Lanterns Aftermath #1
I was sick and slept most of today. When I wasn't sleeping I was doing my usual commenting on other comic website posts like The Savage Critics or reading The Factual Opinion which had an awesome comic's review bit a couple of days ago that was possibly the best one ever. I say all this because the only other thing I did was read a pretty miserable Green Lantern comic that seemed to accomplish little other than have everyone standing around whining.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New Ultimate Spider-Man--Brief Thoughts

The new Spider-Man of the Ultimate Universe of Marvel comics has been revealed. He is taking Peter Parker's place because Peter Parker died or something and it has had some press attention. Why?
Well, clearly there is all this talk because of the fact that he is a teenager and Peter Parker is a grown man, so it's controversial for a child to try and act like a hero and risk his life, I guess. Wait, what's that? In this universe Peter Parker is/was a teenager too? I don't read any of the Spider-Man comics any more so I'm really out of the loop. What's the big deal then? Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We're really going to make a big deal about that? The fact that he is half black and half latino? I mean, I guess Spider-Man is a big-name hero so having someone of color take up the mantle gets attention, and I think its cool. I just sort of wish we were at a point where it wasn't as big of a deal in our society. Everyone on the internet is writing about this, but David Brother's has summed things up quite expertly. Oh, and the fact that people are upset about this is just crazy.

What do I think? I think it is good Marvel is taking steps towards diversity, but also am a bit sad it took until 2011 for it to be as big a name a hero as Spider-Man to have someone who isn't white behind the mask. I'm just more excited to have someone who isn't Peter Parker as Spider-Man regardless of the Universe as that opens up some new story possibilities. Hell, I may actually read this comic now that I know the Ultimate Universe Spider-Man won't just be doing retreads of the normal Spider-Man stories.

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Kinda-Sorta Break-Up Letter To Marvel In Favor Of DC's Relaunch

Here is the "letter" to Marvel I read during my podcast, and yes, it is supposed to be funny while also a tiny bit serious. This is of course very tongue-in-cheek and I still love each publisher pretty much the same amount. It's just that I have dropped a ton of Marvel books and the first time ever am getting more DC items than Marvel, so its a weird change.

Dear Marvel,

We've been needing to have this talk for awhile. How long, you ask? Probably since you flooded the market with "Secret Invasion" tie-ins. I've been trying to avoid us having to do this, but around "Fear Itself #2" I knew we had to discuss things. I'm tired of it, Marvel. You come home late at night smelling of half-baked plot ideas, you saturate the market with too many comics featuring characters people have no interest in reading, and the magic we once had just isn't there as much anymore.