Saturday, January 25, 2025

Vault is Shifting From Comics to Japanese Light Novels

Vault is a publisher that makes some great comics. Some time ago they did, "Hollow Heart," and they've consistently done a superb job with their, "Money Shot," mini-series. "Barbaric," has been a hit as well, and, "Lilith," has had two solid issues so far. My point is that Vault produces good stuff and I trust the publisher's judgment even if I don't understand a business move. Apparently (and this was in place before the whole Diamond bankruptcy), Vault is shifting its focus from comics to what are known as Light Novels. Kind of like Manga, these are translated from Japanese. Light Novels are shorter than a standard fiction book, coming in more at a novelette's length with the occasional manga-style artwork illustrating key moments and multiple volumes.

Light Novels are apparently very popular with young adults and can feature a wide range of genres (like your standard reads) ranging from romance, to horror, to sci-fi, and everything else. Vault is going to be publishing English translations of multiple Japanese Light Novels and will still be doing some comics, as of now (they have a new volume of, "Money Shot," that just started), but the manga and manga-related market is huge, so it makes perfect sense for Vault to do this. With all the things that are happening with Diamond impacting indie publishers, I want smaller ones to do whatever it takes to stick around--especially great publishers such as Vault!

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