Sunday, October 4, 2020

Vinegar Syndrome is a Cool Website for Vintage and Cult Films

Before I begin, I know there are websites that offer DVDs and such of old hard-to-find movies that they burn and sell somewhat illegally, but those are pretty poor quality of the ones I've seen. That is why when I saw a link from the American Genre Film Archive to their official partner in releasing some of their movies, Vinegar Syndrome, I was pleased to discover this website has official high-quality DVDs and Blu-Rays of popular cult, underground, and mostly forgotten films. 

Vinegar Syndrome is much like the AGFA in their dedication to film preservation, with it actually being where they get their name from--Vinegar Syndrome is when old film deteriorates from its own chemicals eating it alive. Vinegar Syndrome has their own on-site lab dedicated to film preservation and through their partnerships with various organizations and film companies has some awesome flicks for sale. I have a fondness for weird old movies, whether it is watching them or reading about them, so a site dedicated to selling copies of them--that aren't bootlegs--is very appreciated. If you're into weird old movies give them a look.

Note: This is not a paid post, it is an opinion post. I was just quite impressed by Vinegar Syndrome and wanted to share my thoughts.

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