Thursday, May 23, 2024

The "Riverfront Times," has been Sold with all the Editorial Staff Laid Off

I recently wrote about a website I liked announcing it was folding (Multiversity). It isn't just websites that have faced issues off and on, of course. Print journalism has had a ton of turmoil and after nearly half a century one local publication, the Riverfront Times, has been sold with the entire editorial staff laid off. The new owner isn't immediately apparent, but the RFT has been gutted and an era has ended. It was a bit of a tabloid-style paper, but it was a Saint Louis staple! Founded in 1977, it prided itself on being an, "Alternative Newspaper," with articles about food, music, local politics, and more. Now it still ostensibly exists but is going to become something quite different seeing as it laid off everyone who worked there writing stories from the usual to the quirky. One worries about the future of journalism if smaller entities keep getting bought up and folded into big conglomerates.

1 comment:

  1. Dang! I would always grab a copy of RFT when I was in town-- it was a great way to find out what was going on!
