Wednesday, May 29, 2024

My Letter Was Published in the, "Missouri Conservationist," June Issue!

A recent issue of the, "Missouri Conservationist," discussed how if you see what seems to be an abandoned baby animal or injured adult one the best thing you can do is leave it alone. Messing with wildlife, no matter how good your intentions, is generally a bad idea as these creatures are rarely truly, "Alone," despite how things may appear. I enjoyed the article and it got me thinking about another time when people unfortunately can bug wildlife--when they want to take a picture for social media. It seems too often folks will think it is a good idea to walk up to a wild animal that could be hurt by them (or even attack them) for the sake of a good picture. I wrote to the magazine and they published my letter in the most recent June 2024 issue! Take a look:

You can read all issues of the, "Missouri Conservationist," for free online if you would like. I always enjoy the fun articles and great pictures. Plus, free virtual or in-person classes are always listed. I attended one via the internet previously about identifying wild mushrooms so you know which are safe to eat or not--it was fun! I am excited my letter is in this latest issue and thank the, "Missouri Conservationist," for publishing the thoughts I shared with them!

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