Thursday, May 2, 2024

More, "Widow," Kickstarter Goodness Has Launched!

My friends of the blog (and friends in general) Mike Wolfer and Natalie Jane have launched the latest Kickstarter for more, "Widow," comics! Titled, "Widow Unleashed," this campaign will fund the ninth and tenth issues coming out. Mike is the writer/artist and Natalie is the letterer of these new comics remastering and representing classic horror-filled, "Widow," stories as we eventually move towards new, "Widow," content! Backers can easily get physical or digital copies of previous issues--so don't feel like it is too late to jump on the, "Widow," bandwagon by any means! 

I already have backed the latest campaign for, "Widow Unleashed," and would obviously encourage everyone else to do the same thing as Mike is a talented storyteller and Natalie is a fantastic letterer. "Widow Unleashed," has been a wild ride of a comic and I imagine it'll only get crazier as the series continues!

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