Wednesday, May 8, 2024

"Get Fury," #1 Kicks Off a Grisly and Riveting Tale

Garth Ennis wants to write war comics. The man seems like he'd rather tell a story about WWII or Vietnam than write anything about superheroes (unless he's having fun mocking them like in, "The Boys," or such). Marvel doesn't really do war comics, but it seems as long as Garth Ennis is willing to work Frank Castle (pre-Punisher) or Nick Fury into a book Marvel will let him do his thing. Hence, we get a rare Marvel MAX book, the R-rated line that seems to have stopped existing compared to when it put out a lot of comics except for when Garth Ennis wants to write a war comic and is willing to have Nick or Frank involved. I don't mind that at all, however, because Garth Ennis is a stellar writer and the artists he collaborates with are always top-notch as well. This leads us to the latest Ennis tale, "Get Fury," with the amazing Jacen Burrows supplying beautifully hideous artwork.

"Get Fury," seems to take place in the mini thematic Universe Ennis created that involves his MAX run on, "Punisher," as well as, "Punisher: Born," "Fury: My War Gone By," and that utterly insane, "Barracuda," mini-series to name some books in World he crafted. I say that as some characters pop-up and while we open in the present day with an old foe discussing Fury and Castle, we then pop back in time to Vietnam as Frank finds himself assigned a unique and off-the-books mission. A plane Nick Fury was on has crashed and he knows a ton of intel that Vietnamese soldiers could try and torture out of him. Rescuing him seems to be impossible so the U.S. has decided he needs to be taken out by a soldier skilled enough to take the shot and keep it quiet he did so. Enter into the scene Frank Castle as a man tasked with a very questionable job.

Jacen Burrows has been around for some time illustrating a wide range of comics, and he excels at war comics and violent art, as his earlier years at Avatar Press show up to his newer stuff that is a bit more refined but still reflects the raw talent Burrows had long ago and has sharpened up to today. Whether it is a quiet but tense moment of soldiers threatening to get into a firefight with a comrade due to a policy about exterminating dogs in the base camp or an incredibly bloody moment at the end of the first issue where some of Fury's fellow soldiers meet a violent end, Burrows draws it all with skill.

Much of, "Get Fury," #1 is spent setting up the general plot of Frank Castle being assigned to go kill Nick Fury in the interest of National security. As this seems to be in the continuity of Ennis' other tales I doubt Castle will actually kill Fury as opposed to ending up helping save him. Regardless of what happens in the story, it will be exciting to witness thanks to Ennis and Burrows both firing on all their writing and artistic cylinders.

5 out of 5 Stars.

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