Friday, January 7, 2011

This was nice.

On my blog I did a 2-part overview of what looked good in Previews. It took forever to set up so I thought I wouldn't do it again, but then I saw that I got a bunch of view for it. Around three times the amount I normally get. So, people have spoken and it seems they like knowing what others think about Previews, so I will start looking over Previews as a regular thing.

Another nice thing was a creator of one of the comics I mentioned was flattered by my words and mentioned me on his blog. I'm always pleased when comic creators hear my kind words because it shows that:
A. Someone is actually reading my blog
B. Comic creators hear some positive reinforcement instead of negative things that us comic-readers often end up saying. Hell, even I can be a bit harsh sometimes, but I never try to outright insult the comic's creators like it seems some folk do, even if the comic is really bad.
and lastly,
C. Gets me some contacts for when I try to make my comic about a man with jet-packs for legs whose side-kick is talking motorcycle. I'm kidding, I have no intention of making a comic anytime soon, especially not with my terrible art skills and so-so writing.

So yeah, just thought I'd share my happiness at my thoughts getting out. We now return to your usual posts, and look for one more today around 7PM because I'm going for a record of three posts in one day.

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