Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine's Day 2024--Time For the Best Valentine's Day Song!

Today is Valentine's Day of 2024. Depending on who you ask this is a day for love/lovers, a day for all kinds of love (friendship love, self-love, etc.), or simply a day to remember Saint Valentine if you want to get historical. Whatever the case, this is the best day of any possible days to play the best Valentine-themed song around. That's right, Andre 3000 portraying Cupid on, "Happy Valentine's Day," from the amazing OutKast double album, "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below." Let's get to it:

Man, more than 20 years later and that song still hits just right. I admire Andre 3000 playing flutes and such like a pro, but if he ever wants to rap again I'm here for it. Have a good day, everyone.

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