Friday, May 24, 2024

"Watusi the Talking Dog," #43 Has a Little Contribution From Me!

Years ago I met Dale Martin at Project Comic-Con. He was the creator of, "Watsui the Talking Dog," and I've enjoyed his work ever since we met, having reviewed issue #30 of the series some time ago. Issue #43 has just been released and features a project Dale started back in 2012 and did through 2013 before now wrapping it up. He had folks contribute their own little panels for him to eventually create a, "Jam Comic," of sorts where he'd create a tale with his panels taking place around the contributions of various other folks. I, actually, drew a fun panel where with Watsui in Saint Louis he finds himself atop the Arch and finds it scary. I warned Dale my art skills were horribly lacking but he welcomed my contribution back in 2013. Now, I've got my little contribution in the 43rd issue of, "Watsui The Talking Dog," and you can buy a digital copy if you want to see the whole yarn! As for my entry, give it a look--I'm the panel on the top-left:

I know, I know, I should stick to writing as opposed to drawing. That said, I'm honored Dale wanted to include me in this collaborative comic and I enjoyed reading the rest of the issue when he provided me a free copy! I look forward to Watsui's future adventures and encourage you to check out all of Dale's work via his company, Smeary Soapbox Press!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words! I really enjoyed making jam comics at those conventions, especially with people who don't consider themselves "artists"-- they often have the cleverest ideas to move the story forward!
