Thursday, May 16, 2024

Rant-Reviews: Debut Issues and a Conclusion

 Starting and Stopping

I've read a handful of comics I wanted to discuss that I also realized were all first issues or in one case, the final issue of a mini-series. Let's discuss some beginnings and an ending!

Start & Stop

Deadpool/Wolverine: WWIII #1

Deadpool and Wolverine seem to team up as often as they fight. Thanks to a writer who nails Deadpool perfectly (Joe Kelly, who has done some stellar Deadpool yarns before) as well as Wolverine, the tone is a nice mix of serious and silly--some seem to really struggle getting Deadpool's, "Voice," right. Adam Kubert is an astounding artist as well, doing some creative tricks in this issue that necessitate turning the pages horizontally, then vertically, and back. It isn't a problem though, as everything just looks amazing. When it is Deadpool and Wolverine in a comic there is bound to be violence, and this has some wildly good-looking bloody effects. I'm a little confused about exactly where the plot is going with Deadpool seemingly acting in quite an antagonistic manner toward the end of the issue, but perhaps it'll become clearer in future issues. That quibble aside, I had fun.

4 out of 5 stars.

Love Me: A Romance Story #1

My last Rant-Review segment I did a while ago actually discussed another comic with art by Stefano Cardoselli. This series is written by Francesca Perillo and published by Mad Cave, who have carved out a solid niche of releasing cool books (like their recent reboot of, "Dick Tracy," to name another title). "Love Me: A Romance Story," is focused on a robot and his pet cat--and then the robot falls in love with rider in their taxi. It seems like a sweet little meet-cute and Cardoselli's artwork is always superb in its abstract and complex nature. I really enjoyed this debut issue and hope JoJo (that's the robot) manages to find love!

5 out of 5 Stars.

Hack/Slash: Back to School #4

This final issue of the latest, "Hack/Slash," mini-series is set earlier on in Cassie Hack's career of killing seemingly unstoppable monsters. For those wondering how it fits into everything continuity-wise that becomes clear at the issue's shocking conclusion and there is a handy chart breaking down all the, "Hack/Slash," comics and collections up to the present day as well. Zoe Thorogood was fantastic in the first two issues as I discussed in a previous review and sticks the landing here, unquestionably. If you're a fan of Thorogood, the, "Hack/Slash," series, or just good comics, you ought to check this series out!

5 out of 5 Stars.

Creature From the Black Lagoon Lives! #1

This sequel comic of sorts is another one of the Universal Monster comics that Skybound is publishing (they have a, "Dracula," one currently too). Hearing this series was coming had me excited and having read the first issue I am intrigued but it did take a much different thematic angle than I expected. Without spoiling too much, the focus of the comic is much more so a journalist trying to prove someone who fled the United States is a serial killer who drowns victims and in the process of her working on this case it becomes apparent that the famous/infamous Creature will be getting involved. I think I will need to read the next issue for sure to get a better idea of what role our titular Creature will play, but the fact I want to read the next issue shows this debut issue did something very right!

5 out of 5 Stars.

Roboforce #1

I last saw this new iteration of the Roboforce in that, "Nacelleverse," #0 comic which I quite liked. Out of all the entities introduced in the zero issue, I was especially curious about, "Roboforce," so I picked up the first issue. The story centers on a team of robots who were supposed to be heroic rescue bots but were already obsolete by the time they debuted and ended up doing odd jobs to get by. This first issue stands alone without any trouble even if you didn't read the previous zero issue, with the setting up of the Roboforce having to fight a new threat being pretty entertaining. However, there is such a huge cast and they are all introduced so quickly I had a little trouble keeping track of what exactly was going on at some points. Still, I had a good time and look forward to more from the Nacelleverse!

4.5 out of 5 stars.

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