Sunday, July 16, 2023

The First Issue of, "Seventh Sister," Is Lovely and Fantastical

I had the opportunity to read a digital advance copy of, "Seventh Sister," #1. Written by friend of the blog, Simon Birks, the artwork and colors are by Majory Yokomizo. Rob Jones does the lettering. It's being published by Fox Red Comics, which is related to a publisher I greatly enjoy, Blue Fox Comics. Having finished the debut issue I really enjoyed it!

"Seventh Sister," focuses on a woman named Soraya who lives in a magical realm with her six other sisters. Her parents choose to sacrifice their least-liked daughter (Soraya) instead of themselves to a black hole so that everyone else can live for another thousand years. Soraya doesn't appreciate this and ends up fleeing to Earth--Scotland specifically. This first issue lays out the general plot, introduces a human who enjoys hunting ghosts (which Soraya is rumored to be by locals) named Jane, and makes it clear that Sorya is still in immense danger from the black hole and a chunk of her family.

Yokomizo's artwork is lush and beautiful. Her illustrations make each page a treat for a reader's eyes. You don't read, "Seventh Sister," so much as your optical nerves swim in the gorgeous artwork. Birks' writing is stellar too as usual, whether portraying the magical realms or when things are situated squarely upon Earth. I had a blast with the first issue of, "Seventh Sister," and you can read seven sample pages at this link to see why I dug it so much. I would encourage everyone to back its upcoming Kickstarter campaign--you can click this link to be notified of its launch!

5 out of 5 stars.

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