Sunday, February 19, 2023

Clarkson and I Met Spidey Today!

Today we went to one of Clarkson's favorite places to play, the We Rock the Spectrum Kid's Gym in Fenton. There are many WRTS locations that are all individually owned as part of the franchise, and our favorite one to visit is located in--as I said--Fenton. They had the, "Hero Hangout," event and a couple of superheroes appeared. We were most excited to see Spidey though. Samii, Clarkson, and I all wore clothes in the theme of Spidey and it was cute when Clarkson had Spidey help push him on the swing. I was able to get a selfie too, as can be seen above. We love WRTS in Fenton and I'd encourage you to visit the website I linked up above or to check out their oft-updated Facebook page as well. If you live in the Saint Louis region it is a fantastic place to go play whether your child is neurotypical or has special needs. I'd highly recommend going for an event or open play sometime. I also want to thank Enchanted Events, the agency that sent over Spidey, or as he is called on their page, Spidey Guy, so as to avoid anyone confusing him with any other Spider-characters, just to throw that disclaimer out there for them.

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